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EcoRodovias’ vision

To be Brazil’s best infrastructure manager, with sustainability.

EcoRodovias aims to balance the interests of its diverse stakeholders to deliver the best results considering the long-term sustainability in environmental, social and economic aspects.

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EcoRodovias’ mission

To create value by employing highway assets in a sustainable, synergistic, ethical and innovative manner.

EcoRodovias exists to create value in environmental, social and economic aspects in a balanced manner for all stakeholders by constantly conceiving, attracting and running current and new businesses in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Encouraging synergy and innovation in all aspects and levels strengthens the company’s efficiency and competitive edge.

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EcoRodovias’ values

Our Values, our Way of Acting and Thinking. The beliefs guiding our actions are based on the following values:


Synergy and cooperation among people and teams in building solutions.


Integrity, transparency and fairness in relations and operations, with plurality and diversity.

Focus on Results

Excellence, planning, commitment, efficiency and synergistic business model in the pursuit of sustainable results.


Leadership, innovation and creativity to achieve outstanding results that add value.


Attitudes that seek long-term economic growth, respect for the environment and contribution to the development of employees and society.